MSV elektronika

Other services we offer to potential customers include polishing, initialisation and testing of mounted PCBs, and final testing and integration of component sets into larger units. Another no less important service is ageing, cycling and climatic testing of functional samples and prototypes in a climatic chamber.

We can also assist with processing of your mechanical parts, profiles and metal sheets intended to protect your electronics or for other purposes.

PCB Assembly Inspection (AOI)

ISO-Spector M1

We inspect the placement and soldering quality of SMTs. The purpose of the inspection is to discover incorrect or defective connections during production. Automatic inspection is done using MARANTZ 22XDL, the cutting-edge in AOI technology.

It allows precise, non-contact inspection of placement accuracy and soldering quality of components. During the process, the PCB remains stationary while the inspection camera moves.

PCB Polishing

PCB Polishing

On demand, we can coat your fully fitted PCBs with a protective polish. Recommended! We own a PVA 350 coating machine which features an application head capable of movement in 4 axes (X, Y, Z, rotation). All our coating is done using one of the best polishes on the market: SL1309. The coating machine is fitted with 3 valves (needle and coating valves). PVA 350 has a work area of 400x400 mm.

Initialisation and Testing to Customer Specifications

Initialisation and Testing

Our initialisation workers will initialise your products, install their firmware and subject them to the first stress tests exactly to your specifications.

Testing takes the form of various types of measurements, functional tests and software tests. All tests are meticulously monitored and recorded. We also collaborate with customers on developing and producing functional test samples, conditions and environments.

Final Assembly and Integration of PCBs into Larger Units

Final Assembly and Integration of PCBs into Larger Units

More and more, customers have us not only manufacture the product, but also assemble and integrate it. This helps largely eliminate additional costs for production and greatly simplifies filing of any potential complaints or warranty claims.

We are also able, either independently or in collaboration with our partners, to procure mechanical parts and offer complete assembly of the final product.

Ageing, Cycling and Climatic Testing

Ageing, Cycling and Climatic Testing

We possess a CTS C-40/350 climatic test chamber for ageing and testing of prototypes and functional samples. The chamber is also modified to meet the requirements for cycle testing.

The climatic chamber, sized 650x750x720 mm, is controlled by a microprocessor. The chamber's volume is up to 350 l, with a temperature range of -70°C to 180°C. Humidity range: 10-95 %.

Industrial Printing on a Mimaki Printer

Industrial Printing on a Mimaki Printer

Prints on metal and plastic.

Pad Printing

Pad Printing

Our pad printing is done on a CIMA HORIZONT M1. It is a semi-automated device for printing on materials with a thickness of up to 150 mm, with horizontal lifting of the special aluminium sandwich-style printing plate. The easily adjustable printing plate can be fitted with register pins which allow an absolutely precise register.

Mono-coloured pad printing is done on a Super Primex SP 8140.

Processing of Mechanical Parts on a DATRON M8 Milling Machine

Processing of Mechanical Parts on a DATRON M8 Milling Machine

The brand new M8 milling centre boasts a work area of 1,020 x 700 mm and allows for the clamping of taller workpieces, such as profiles or cabinets.

Quick and easy refitting capability allows the machine to adapt perfectly to any custom job. High-performance chip-forming machining with a speed of up to 60,000 rpm.

Společnost MSV elektronika s.r.o. realizuje projekt Inovace vyššího řádu - řídící jednotky pro lokomotivy nové generace Modurail2, jehož cílem je zvýšení technických a užitných hodnot výrobků, technologií a služeb (produktová inovace). Na tento projekt je poskytována finanční podpora od Evropské unie.

Evropská unie

Společnost MSV elektronika s.r.o. realizuje projekt Úspory energie MSV elektronika, jehož cílem je snížení energetické náročnosti provozu výroby elektroniky a závislosti na dodávkách elektrické energie z veřejné sítě. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Účelem projektu Vývojová zkušebna (OP PIK) bylo zřízení nové zkušebny pro zkoušení charakteristik výrobků společnosti MSV elektronika s.r.o., která je nyní nově vybavena zařízením: systém pro testování vyzařované odolnosti, zařízení pro měření napětí a izolačního odporu, klimatická komora, fotometrická laboratoř, laboratorní sušárna, osciloskopy, stíněná bezodrazová komora, EMI přijímač a systém pro testování vedené odolnosti. V souvislosti se zřízením nové vývojové zkušebny jsme nyní schopni nabídnout tyto služby: zkouška suchým a vlhkým teplem, zkoušky EMC, zkoušky stárnutí, kolorimetrické a fotometrické zkoušky, zkouška izolace.
K výzkumné infrastruktuře je umožněn přístup dalším uživatelům formou komerční služby. Bližší informace u vedoucího vývojové zkušebny